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Congratulations Nabi

gender icon Lisa
admin admin
time Gepostet am 2018.06.27, 06:47 Uhr          chart 5647 Besuche

Happy Birthday wishes you Lisa

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gender isle of man
crown crown
isle of man
time Gepostet am 2018.06.27, 07:55 Uhr

Hi nabi my best friend, happy birthday wishes you from isle of man on Kawasaki Ninja ZX-10R Tom Sykes Edition. 

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gender Deleted-User

time Gepostet am 2018.06.27, 12:14 Uhr

Dear nabi :-)

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gender Deleted-User

time Gepostet am 2018.06.27, 14:08 Uhr

Happy Birthday to you  Happy Birthday to you  und alles gute 

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gender Catalea
gast gast
time Gepostet am 2018.06.27, 15:47 Uhr

wish you a happy birthday and I hope all your wishes come true.
Have a good day,Cata

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gender Jess
gast gast
time Gepostet am 2018.06.27, 17:32 Uhr

All the best for the b-day and always stay our super Nabi !! 

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gender Aksuamun
gast gast
time Gepostet am 2018.06.27, 18:27 Uhr

Happy Birthday..
i wish you luck,happiness and riches today,tomorrow and beyond...

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like gefiel durch: Catalea, Jess, Lisa, Savannah

gender benno
gast gast
time Gepostet am 2018.06.27, 19:43 Uhr

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like Noch kein Gefallt

gender RosaKleid
crown_plus crown_plus
time Gepostet am 2018.06.27, 21:35 Uhr

Dear Nabi,

many happy returns of the day! Give my regards to all your friends here and wish the best of luck!


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like gefiel durch: Catalea, Jess, Lisa, Noabelle, Savannah

gender Savannah
excellency excellency
time Gepostet am 2018.06.27, 22:45 Uhr

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like gefiel durch: Catalea, Jess, Lisa, Noabelle

gender Lioness
gast gast
time Gepostet am 2018.06.28, 00:19 Uhr

lieber nabi 

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like gefiel durch: Jess
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